Do Cheaters Always Win? (Part 2)

Continuing on from my previous blog post Do Cheaters Always Win (Part 1), I talked about certain categories of cheating such as in sports and games. In this installment of Cheating (Part 2), I’ll be talking about the other side of the cheating spectrum, school and relationships.

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Pessimism vs. Realism

Pessimism and Realism are two completely different connotations. Being pessimistic means that you do not see the the bright side of things and being realistic means that you see both sides. So why are they both used in the same light? Nowadays, people of all ages have failed to differentiate the meaning of looking at […]

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Just Do It?

History: The source of this famous slogan actually came from Gary Gilmore, a murderer of two in Utah, 1976. When asked if he had any last words before his death penalty he simply said, “Let’s do it.” His words interested Dan Wieden (in charge of creating tag line for Nike) that he used his words […]

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Are Pro Gamers Athletes?

Pro Gamer = Athlete? Now I know what you’re thinking. Video-Gamers? Athletes? They just don’t seem to blend together in your mind. But there are actually different aspects of an athlete that actually fit into a “Pro Gamer.” They both need dedication, practice, concentration, intellectual abilities etc. The embedded video below basically reiterates these aspects […]

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